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5 October 2009

Music 4 U Event...Simply Outstanding!
Freedom Road Creative Arts, in partnership with RAPP, Music 4 U, the Youth Service and the Voltage Project Volunteers staged a wonderful night of youth music and performance at the Lamp in Hull.

Attended by around 100 young people the night featured bands, Corrosion, The Rumour and Freedom Road, as well as debut performances from RAPP's Bob Off Bullies group and solo artist Sammy Watson, who's rendition of Miley Cyrus's The Climb was outstanding. Other performances from Jess Hunter, The Summer School group and Molly Brown and Tom Kaye, and sets by up and coming DJ's Mix-a-Bux, DJ Wild and DJ Jumpin Jack completed a memorable night which we hope to repeat in the near future.



Funded by the Music 4 U project and organised by the Voltage Volunteers, Garry, Matt, Matt and Becky the evening also gave some other young people their first taste of perfoming live. Amy who is part of one of the groups, overcame her nerves and realised her dream of getting on stage and is now hungry for more. Jess Hunter who sings with Freedom Road, sang a classy solo with the support of Twang and the night came to a stunning end with the brilliant Rumour.
So we now plan to run the singing/song writing sessions more regularly and hold quarterly show case events. If you want to get involved, get in touch!!
